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Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Monday, May 20, 2024
Persahabatan Perempuan Indonesia dan Pria Amerika
Perempuan Indonesia lahir dengan sifat yang
sangat ramah. Laki-laki Amerika cenderung pasif dan berteman dengan wanita
hanya untuk hubungan spesial ( seperti romansa). Persahabatan lintas budaya
antara perempuan Indonesia dan Laki-laki Amerika bisa mengalami masalah apabila
tidak ada kecocokan, misalnya ketika perempuan Indonesia tidak ingin menjalin
hubungan yang lebih spesial, maka laki-laki Amerika akan mengakhiri hubungan
pertemanan tersebut. Karena laki-laki Amerika lebih suka menjalin hubungan yang
percintaan yang romantis dengan perempuan. Mereka tidak ingin berteman
biasa-biasa saja. Untuk menghindari masalah itu terjadi, perempuan Indonesia
harus bisa memberikan pengertian pada laki-laki Amerika jika budaya pertemanan
di Indonesia dan Amerika berbeda. Perempuan Indonesia bisa tetap berteman
dengan laki-laki tanpa ada hubungan percintaan yang khusus.
Indonesian women are born with a very friendly
nature. American men tend to be passive and associate with women only for
special relationships (such as romance). Cross-cultural friendship between
Indonesian women and American men can run into problems if there is no
compatibility, for example when Indonesian women don't want to have a more
special relationship, then American men will end the friendship. Because
American men prefer to have romantic relationships with women. They don't want
to be casual friends. To avoid this problem from happening, Indonesian women
must be able to provide an understanding to American men if the culture of
friendship in Indonesia and America is different. Indonesian women can remain
friends with men without having a special romantic relationship.
My Chilhood Experience
Childhood Experience”
Hi ...! I will introduce my self. My name is Rin.
I want to tell you about my childhood experience in a isolated village on the
island of Borneo.
Well, I
was born in a village far from downtown. Makes me have to feel survive living
in the jungle. Every day, I just eat-feed from the plants around the house.
Never bought any food because there was no market in the forest. Even cooking
oil, we produced from preparing the coconut.
Every day, my parents going to farm in a
field. Every day I go to the fields to fish. I used to love fishing when I was
a kid. Because, just by fishing I can eat fish every day. The most fun thing
about fishing is when I get a lot of big fish. Then, I burned it in a fireplace
of my own by the river. Just packed with salt, I can enjoy the fresh fish I've
lured myself. I became more and more enjoyed.
Normally, I enjoy moment a fresh grilled fish
while relaxing under a tree. Sometimes I also made a small house on top of a
tall tree so that I could spend the day without fear of wild animals such as
wild pigs, bears, or big snakes.
was a very pleasant childhood experience. I've always longed for a primitive
life experience that no modern person would ever experience today. For me, it
was a rewarding experience because not everyone could experience like it.