Cerita Kehidupan yang Menginspirasi dan Menghibur by Rin Muna a.k.a Vella Nine

Friday, May 6, 2022

My Favorite Place [E-Learning; Writing Task. Sastra Inggris Bidang Minat Penerjemahan]




I have a favorite place to hang out. It’s a popular place in the city. It’s a KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) and my favorite place is a KFC Coffee in Jl. Gajah Mada, Balikpapan City. It’s a great place for lunch, drink coffee, write a story, discussion and celebrate of birthday.

In a fasade, there are four tables for smooking area. In this area, smokers can relax with the cigarettes without disturbing other custumers.

This place, full of glasses in the right and in front of. The main door is a glass door. In the next door, many table for customer, chair and sofa. In the right is a playground for children. My daugther’s really like playing here. After lounge, there are a counter. I can order some food and beverages in the counter. In the left, there are toilet and wastafel. In the left, there is a stairway to the rooftop. It’s a great room. We relax in here while looking at the bustling city streets. There is a space that can be booked for birthday celebrate and the like.

It’s a great place! Relax and free wifi. I can spend my whole day in this place.

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